First, we will have a blog writer appointed to a six month term (or sentence). Obviously, I’m the first blogger. If you don’t like my blogs, just wait six months and someone else will take over. But use the comments function and let me know what you think, one way or the other.
And that’s another change. Readers can send comments back to me. But I get to decide if I want to publicly respond to those comments. Some rules about comments:
1. Be polite;
2. Be relevant;
3. And be polite.
Third, I will periodically invite people I believe are interesting to write a blog entry. I will invite guest bloggers for two reasons: One, I want a break once in awhile. Two, I’m not that interesting and the readers need a break once in awhile. For those of you who follow the TMRS Research Newsletter, I will coerce the Newsletter editors to write a blog entry when they begin their one-year term of service and tell us what their vision is over the next year. I will plead with the leaders at the Pearson Global Psychometric Centers at Oxford, the University of Western Australia and The University of Texas at Austin to write blog entries. And I will ask a graduate student participating in Pearson's Summer Research Fellowship Program to write a blog about their experience over the summer with Pearson. So readers who are thinking about applying for Pearson's Summer Research Fellowship, you’ve been warned.
Finally, my picture is posted with the blog. I tried to slip in Brad Pitt’s picture but I was caught. Well, some changes are positive and others …
So, I promise to provide new blog entries on a regular basis. I promise each entry will address something that I care about. I cannot promise more.
"So long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say.”
Virginia Woolf
Paul Nichols, Ph.D.
Vice President
Psychometric & Research Services
Assessment & Information
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