Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reflecting on a Psychometric Internship

The summer of 2010 was an unusual one in my career life: I was fortunately selected as a summer psychometric intern working in Iowa City. The short eight weeks turned out to be my most productive and memorable period during my years of graduate study. Not only did I develop two AERA proposals out of the projects I participated in, but I got to know a group of wonderful researchers in the educational measurement field. The hearty hospitality, thoughtful consideration and gracious support that I received from the group exceeded what I had expected.

I very much appreciate what I have learned from the weekly seminars that covered a broad range of concurrent hot topics and techniques on which leading testing companies continue making efforts. One-on-one meetings with experienced psychometricians about hands-on practices in K-12 testing projects have gradually broadened my views towards academic research and industrial operations. By seeing the practical needs emerging from testing operations, I think that the most valuable gain for me is to realize how much potential exists in the research of educational measurement.

Jessica Yue
Psychometric Intern
Test, Measurement & Research Services

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