Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pearson at NCME & AERA

Pearson once again dominates presentations (well, we have a lot anyway) at the annual meetings of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).


Um, K., Way, W. D., Fitzpatrick, S. J., & Kreiman, C.
The Effects of Response Probability Criteria on the Scale Location Estimation and Impact Data in Standard Setting.

Wan, L., & Henly, G.
Measurement Properties of Innovative Item Formats in a Computer-Based Science Test

Arce-Ferrer, A.
An Investigation of Traditional and Alternative Approaches to Vertically Scale Modified Angoff Cut Scores

Seo, D., Shin, S., Taherbhai, H., & Sun, Y.
Exploring and Explaining Gender Format Differences in English as a Second Language Writing Assessment Using Logistic Mixed Models

Shin, C. D., Ho, T., Chien, Y., & Deng, H.
A Comparison of Person-Fit Statistics in Computerized Adaptive Test Using Empirical Data

Turhan, A., Courville, T., & Keng, L.
The Effects of Anchor Item Position on a Vertical Scale Design

Tong, Y. & Kolen, M.
A Further Look into Maintenance of Vertical Scales

Turhan, A., Lin, C., O’Malley, K. & Kolen, M.
Vertical Scaling for Paper and Online Assessments

Kahraman, N., & Thompson, T.
Relating Unidimensional IRT Parameters to a Multidimensional Response Space: A Comparison of Two Alternative Dimensionality Reduction Approaches

Meyers, J. L., Turhan, A., & Fitzpatrick, S. J.
Interaction of Calibration Procedure and Ability Estimation Method for Writing Assessments under Conditions of Multidimensionality

Shin, C. D, Chien, Y., & Way, W. D.
The Weighted Penalty Model and Conditional Randomesque Method for Item Selection in Computerized Adaptive Tests

Yi, Q.
The Impact of Ability Distribution Differences Between Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries on Test Security Control in CAT

Mao, X. & Fitzpatrick, S. J.
An investigation of the Linking of Mathematics Tests with and Without Linguistic Simplification

Ming, X., Wang, J., & Wu, S.
A Predictive Validity Study of an English Language Proficiency Test

Arce-Ferrer, A.
Anchor-Test Design Issues in Equating

Chien, Y., Shin, C. D, & Way, W. D.
Weighted Penalty Model for Content Balancing in CAT

Keng, L. & Dodd, B. G.
A Comparison of the Performance of Testlet-Based Computer Adaptive Tests and Multistage Tests

Song, T. & Arce-Ferrer, A.
Comparing IPD Detection Approaches in Common-Item Non-Equivalent Group Equating Design

Wang, C., Wei, H., & Gao, L.
Investigating the Effects of Speededness on Test Dimensionality

Wei, H.
The Effect of Test Speededness on Item and Ability Parameter Estimates in Multidimensional IRT Models

McClarty, K., Lin, C., & Kong, J.
How Many Students Do You Really Need? The Effect of Sample Size on the Matched Samples Comparability Analysis

Thompson, T.
Scale Construction and Conditional Standard Errors of Measurement

Ye, F., You, W., & Xu, T.
Multilevel Item Response Model for Longitudinal Data

NCME Training Sessions

Kolen, M. & Tong, Y.
Vertical Scaling Methodologies, Applications and Research

NCME Discussants

Shin, C. D.
Standard Errors of Equating

Way, W. D.
Current Practices in Licensure and Certification Testing

Tong, Y.
Test Equating with Constructed-Response Items and Mixed-Format Tests

NCME Moderators

Dolan, R.
Comparability of Paper-and-Pencil and Computer-Based Exams

Nichols, P. D.
Modifications of Traditional Methods of Setting Standards


Fulkerson, D., Nichols, P. D., Mislevy, R., Liu, M., Zalles, D., Fried, R., Villalba, S., Debarger, A., Cheng, B., Mitman, A., Haertel, G., & Cho, Y.
Research Findings: Leveraging ECD in Scenario-Based Science Assessments

Dolan, R., Way, W. D., & Nichols, P. D.
Technical Quality of Formative Assessments Within Online Instructional Tool

Fulkerson, D., Mittelholtz, D., & Nichols, P. D.
The Psychology of Writing Items: Improving Figural Response Item Writing

Lau, C., Zhang, L. & Jiang, X.
Using Pass/Fail Pattern to Predict Students’ Success for Standards: A Longitudinal Study with Large-Scale Assessment Data

Stephenson, A. & Song, T.
Using HLM to Investigate Longitudinal Growth of Students’ English Language Proficiency

Beretvas, S. N., Chung, H., & Meyers, J. L.
Modeling Rater Severity Using Multiple Membership, Cross-Classified, Random-Effects Models

Harrell, L. & Wolfe, E. W.
A Comparison of Global Fit Indices as Indicators of Multidimensionality in Multidimensional Rasch Analysis

Yue, J., Creamer, E., & Wolfe, E. W.
Measurement of Self-Authorship: A Validity Study Using Multidimensional Random Coefficients Multinomial Logit Model

Murphy, D. L.
Multilevel Growth-Curve Modeling: A Power Analysis of the Unstructured Covariance Matrix

Arce-Ferrer, A., Song, T., & Sullivan R.
Linking Strategies and Item Screening Approaches: A study with Augmented Nationally Standardized Tests Informing NCLB

Shin, C. D. & Chien, Y.
Conditional Randomesque Method for Item Exposure Control in CAT

Thompson, T. & Way, W. D.
Using CAT to Achieve Comparability with a Paper Test

Yang, Z. & Wang, S.
Calibration Methods Comparison with the Rasch Model

Shin, C.D.
Using Bayesian Sequential Analyses in Evaluating the Prior Effect for Two Subscale Score Estimation Methods

Beimers, J.
Consistency of District Annual Yearly Progress (AYP)Determinations Across Three Types of NCLB Growth Models

Wang, Z., Taherbhai, H., Xu, M. & Wu, S.
Modeling Growth in English Language Proficiency with Longitudinal Data Using the Latent Growth Curve Model

Way, W. D.
Increased Use of Technology in Testing

McGill, M. & Wolfe, E. W.
Assessing Unidimensionality in Item Response Data via Principal Component Analysis of Residuals from the Rasch Model

Ingrisone, J.
Modeling the Joint Distribution of Response Accuracy and Response Time

Ingrisone, S.
An Extended Item Response Model Incorporating Item Response Time

Sung, H.
Developing a Short Form of the Enright Forgiveness Inventory Using Item Response Theory

Arce-Ferrer, A., Wang, Z., & Xue, Q. (2009)
Applying Rasch Model and Generalizability Theory to Study Modified Angoff Cut Scores for Reporting with Vertical Scales

McGill, M., Wolfe, E. W., & Jarvinen, D.
Validation of Measures of the Quality of Mentoring Experiences of New Teachers

Jiao, H., Wang, S., Wan, L. & Lu, R.
An Investigation of Local Item Dependence in Scenario-Based Science Assessments

Tsai, T. & Shin, C. D.
Generalizability Analyses of a Case-Dependent Section in a Large-Scale Licensing Examination

AERA Discussants

Tong, Y.
Factors Influencing Equating Accuracy

Nichols, P. D.
Standards, Proficiency Judgments, and Norms

AERA Chairs

Mueller, C.
Studies Examining Achievement Gaps

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